Due to heavy reconstruction of this webpage, this blog is temporary suspended to renew in this summer, it will be updated again after late-autumn, thank you for your visits in these 9 years.

21 February 2009

Green Peafowl

Green Peafowl (綠孔雀)
Thailand (2008)
9th August, 2008. Chiang Mai

A beautiful bird can be found in south-east Asia and India, and rarely in Tibet and Yunnan. Whole feather are in green colour and look shiny. Only males will open their colourful wings when finding their partner. As the shiny feather and the beautiful wings, people kill the birds to obtain feather and wings for hat's accessories. Nowadays they are be protected as Vulnerable status. This cover was sent from Chiang Mai on the day of issue. In there have a zoo feeding couple of Green Peafowls, and near 5,000 different birds.