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12 May 2009

White Stock

Palácio Ribeiro da Cunha, Lisbon (里斯本 里貝羅宮)
Portugal (2007)

25th April, 2009. Vila Nova Santo André, Santiago do Cacém
(features a special postmark White Stork (白鸛)
8th May, 2009. Hongkong

White Stork is common bird in south European countries and northwest of Africa. In Portugal and Spain, storks like nest at the top of highest buildings in the town, like church or clockhouse. The special postmark, illustrated a white stork finding food in wetland, was using in a philatelic function of Santo André. The place is a new town nearby Atlantic Ocean with 11,000 residents, also is a best place for white stork as there is not far away from wetlands.