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26 August 2009

J.J. Audubon

L : Band-tailed Pigeon (帶尾鴿) ; R : Snowy Egret (美洲雪鷺)
France (1995)

5th November, 2007. Bercy, Paris

John James Audubon (1785-1851) is a French-American ornithologist and artist, he borne in France but immigrated to United States in 1803. He drawn a lot of drawings of birds and natural when he discovered the colourful field live of North America. Later in 1826, he began to publish his work and popular books Birds of America and Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America.

The cover shown here is feature two stamps issued by France to commemorate 200th anniversary of J.J. Audubon's birthday, illustrations are selected from his works. As description of above, all of his works drawn in field area of North America, Band-tailed Pigeon and Snowy Egret are very common species in there.