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19 June 2012

Definitive stamps of Cayman Islands (2)

80c : Caribbean Dove (白額棕翅鳩)
75c : Grand Cayman Amazon (開曼島亞馬遜鸚鵡)
25c : Bananaquit (蕉森鶯) ; 50c : Vitelline Warbler (卵黃林鶯)
Cayman Islands (2006)

9th October, 2006. George Town

Few years ago, I purchased couple of definitive stamps from Cayman Islands philatelic bureau, which are amazing pretty bird issue of this islands. Hopefully, the stamps until now still available in post office and above CTO cover was great helpful by the philatelic bureau again. Four lowest values are selected and cancelled with first day issued postmark.

The description on the stamps are seem mostly endemic species to Cayman Islands, but except Grand Cayman Amazon, they seem not have big variety and can't to be checked in species list. Only Grand Cayman Amazon is endanger species and others are common to Caribbean area.