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14 June 2012

Goldie's Bird-of-paradise

Goldie's Bird-of-paradise (戈氏天堂鳥)
Papua New Guinea (2005)

20th March, 2012. Port Moresby

From some documentary films, sometimes can seen a colourful birds with long tail and having special lek-type, they so called Bird-of-paradise. The bird-of-paradise are members of the family Paradisaeidae majorly to be found in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and easternmost of Australia. The national bird of Papua New Guinea is Raggiana Bird-of-paradise (新畿內亞極樂鳥).

Above aerogramme illustrated Goldie's Bird-of-paradise is endemic to Papua New Guinea. But now it listed as Near Threatened species on IUCN list, as due to habitat loss, limited range and overhunting.